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The University of Utah and the Utes
University of Utah athletics teams are known as the "Utes" in honor of
the American Indian tribe for which the state of Utah is named. The Utes
have inhabited this area of the country for at least 1,000 years. There
were originally 12 "Nuche", or "The People", bands throughout Utah and
Colorado. The Utes were among the first American
Indians to acquire the
horse as a means of transportation, and in rock writing the Utes are
depicted as horses.
After several armed conflicts with Mormon settlers in 1861, the Utes
were relocated to the Uintah Basin in northeastern Utah. Today, tribal
headquarters are in Fort Duchesne, Utah, and the Ute Tribe, with a
membership of 3,300 and its own tribal government, remains a vibrant
part of the state. The University of Utah, in cooperation with the Ute
Tribal Business Committee, is proud to share in the tradition of the Ute
tribe through the "Utes" nickname.
The Mascot
The University's mascot, "Swoop," represents the red-tailed hawk, a bird
indigenous to the state of Utah.
The Block U
Students began painting their class numerals on "The Hill" in the early
1900s. Since the numbers changed annually, the students decided they
wanted something more permanent that would promote loyalty and pride.
The block U was originally built in 1907 on Mount Van Cott. In 1969, the
design was modified and 124 lights were installed. Seated 5,300 feet
above sea level and standing 100 feet tall, the block U can be seen for
miles. Lighted primarily for athletic events, the block U notifies
everyone in the Salt Lake valley and beyond that the Utes are playing at
home, flashing after a victory.
The Beehive Boot
The Beehive Boot, which signifies instate football supremacy, was
conceived in 1971. The authentic pioneer boot is awarded annually to the
Utah school with the best record against its instate NCAA Division I
foes. The schools who compete for the boot are Utah, Brigham Young and
Utah State.
Fight Song
Utah Man
I am a Utah man, sir, and I live across the green.
Our gang, it is the jolliest that you have ever seen.
Our coeds are the fairest and each one's a shining star.
Our yell, you hear it ringing through the mountains near and far.
Who am I, sir? A Utah man am I A Utah man, sir, and will be till I die;
We're up to snuff; we never bluff,
We're game for any fuss,
No other gang of college men
dare meet us in the muss.
So fill your lungs and sing it out and
shout it to the sky,
We'll fight for dear old Crimson,
for a Utah man am I.
And when we prom the avenue, all lined up in a row,
And arm in arm and step in time as down the street we go.
No matter if a freshman green, or in a senior's gown,
The people all admit we are the warmest gang in town.
We may not live forever on this jolly good old sphere,
But while we do we'll live a life of merriment and cheer,
And when our college days are o'er and night is drawing nigh,
With parting breath we'll sing that song:
"A Utah Man Am I".
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