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Aggie Terminology
Every university has its own set of traditions which help to distinguish
it from other institutions. Texas A&M University is no exception.
Perhaps nowhere else, though, are those traditions as interwoven into
the very fabric of the university than they are at Texas A&M. As a
result, Aggies have a lingo that is all their own. The following list of
terms helps to define what being an Aggie is all about.
Shortened form for Texas A&M University. Originally, the letters stood
for Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas; now, the
letters are
retained merely as part of the University�s tradition and history.
A student, former student or supporter of Texas A&M University. Term is
derived from A&M�s agricultural heritage. Aggies are sometimes also
referred to as farmers.
Aggie Code of Honor
For many years, Aggies have followed a Code of Honor, which is stated in
this very simple verse: �Aggies do not lie, cheat, or steal, nor do they
tolerate those who do.�
Home of Texas A&M University.
All-U Night
All-University Night�the first Yell Practice of the semester. Event
includes introductions of men�s and women�s intercollegiate athletic
teams, coaching staff and yell leaders.
Association of Former Students
There is no such thing at A&M as an alumni association or an Ex-Aggie;
there are only former students. The Association of Former Students
serves the same purpose as an alumni association, but an individual
doesn�t have to graduate from A&M to be a member. Once an Aggie, always
an Aggie.
Corps of Cadets
Military-oriented organization, which is the oldest student group on the
A&M campus. Texas A&M annually commissions more officers for the armed
forces than any other ROTC source in the nation.
Elephant Walk
Annual ceremony held the day before bonfire in which seniors gather in
front of the Academic Building, form a single line and wander about the
campus like old elephants seeking a secluded spot to end their days.
A freshman.
Fish Camp
Freshman orientation camp held just before classes begin in the fall.
Provides an overall introduction to Texas A&M.
Gig �Em
One of many Aggie yells.
Traditional Aggie greeting; a derivative of �hello�. Sometimes garbled
to sound like �hahdy�. Aggies pride themselves on their friendliness and
greet each other and visitors with a �Howdy� as they walk across campus.
Hullabaloo, Caneck! Caneck!
First words to the �Aggie War Hymn,� A&M�s fight song, which was written
by J.V. (Pinky) Wilson while standing guard on the Rhine during World
War I.
Humping It
Position taken by an Aggie when giving a yell. Bending forward from the
waist with the hands placed just above the knees properly aligns the
back, mouth and throat for maximum volume.
Jollie Rollie
G. Rollie White Coliseum�the place where the Aggies play volleyball.
Before Reed Arena was built, "Jollie Rollie" was the home of Aggie
Basketball and held special events like graduation, Muster and Town Hall
Memorial Student Center. No one steps on the grass surrounding the MSC,
which was built in honor of Aggies who died in battle.
Ol� Army
Like it �used to be� at A&M.
The students responsible for coordinating the building of Bonfire. There
are 16 (8 seniors, 8 juniors), and they wear red hardhats or �pots�.
Statue of Lawrence Sullivan Ross, former Governor of Texas and former
President of Texas A&M. It stands in front of the Academic Building.
That �other school� in Austin is not the �University of Texas.� To an
Aggie, it�s �t.u.,� without capital letters.
Student at t.u.
Two Percenters
Students who do not display the true Aggie Spirit.
Aggie expression of approval.
Yell Practice
Spirit session which builds enthusiasm for an upcoming athletic contest.
Under the direction of the Yell Leaders, Aggies show their support for
the team by shouting the yells with spirit and singing the Aggie songs
with pride. Held at midnight at Kyle Field before home football games.
Silver Taps
This is one of the most emotional of all Aggie traditions. The solemn
ceremony is a tribute and honor to an Aggie who has died. The ceremony
is held in front of the Academic Building on the first Tuesday of every
month at 10:30 p.m., if a student died during the preceding month.
Students gather around the area, the campus lights are dimmed (cars
included); chimes play from the Albritton Tower; a detachment from the
Ross Volunteers fires three volleys; and buglers from the Aggie band
play Silver Taps three times. The Ceremony is quite moving because the
only sense one witnesses it with is sound. The family members of the
deceased Aggie are invited as special guests at the ceremony.
Muster was first held in 1883 when Aggies met June 26 to �live over
their college days.� The early meetings were parties and banquets held
during the commencement exercises. Soon, a permanent date was set �
April 21 � and it became a time to pay homage to students and former
students who died during the past year. At today�s Muster, living
comrades answer �here� to the roll call at the largest ceremony before a
full house in Reed Arena, for their friends who have passed on. During
World War I, groups of Aggies held Muster in trenches in Europe. In
l923, former students began holding Muster throughout Texas, the nation
and numerous other parts of the world � to let Aggies remember old days
and meet old friends.
The 12th Man
The 12th Man tradition was born in 1922 at the Dixie Classic in Dallas,
Texas. Today, students stand throughout the entire game in readiness in
case they are needed to go into the game.
One of the most well-known traditions at Texas A&M is the 12th Man. The
story of this colorful tradition has been told and retold to generations
of Aggie students, and is part of the cohesive substance that binds A&M
students together forever. The 12th Man is the reason A&M students stand
for each entire football game. When Aggie students stand during games,
it is this spirit and loyalty they are remembering. They stand in
readiness in case they are needed to go into the game like the original
12th Man, E. King Gill.
The Late Dr. Gill of Corpus Christi related this story a few years ago:
"It was in January, 1922, following the 1921 football season. The Aggies
were SWC champions and had been invited to play Centre College in what
was then called the Dixie Classic in Dallas. I had played on the
football team but was on the basketball team at that time and those in
charge felt I was more valuable to the basketball team (Gill was an All-SWC
basketball player in 1923). I was in Dallas, however, and even rode to
the stadium in the same taxi with Coach Dana X. Bible. I was in civilian
clothes and was not to be in uniform. Coach Bible asked me to assist in
spotting players for the late Jinx Tucker (sports editor of the Waco
News-Tribune) in the press box. So, I was up in the press box, helping
Jinx Tucker when, near the end of the first half, I was called down to
the Texas A&M bench. There had been a number of injuries but it was not
until I arrived on the field that I learned that Coach Bible wanted me
to put on a football uniform and be ready to play if he needed me. There
were no dressing rooms at the stadium in those days. The team had
dressed downtown at the hotel and traveled to the stadium in taxi cabs.
Anyway, I put on the uniform of one of the injured players. We got under
the stands and he put on my clothes and I put on his uniform. I was
ready to play but never was sent into the game.�
The Aggie War Hymn
Hullabaloo, Caneck! Caneck!
Hullabaloo, Caneck! Caneck!
First Verse
All hail to dear old Texas A&M,
Rally around Maroon and White,
Good luck to the dear old Texas Aggies,
They are the boys who show the fight.
That good old Aggie spirit thrills us.
And makes us yell and yell and yell; --
So let's fight for dear old Texas A&M,
We're goin' to beat you all to --
Rough! Tough!
Real stuff! Texas A&M!
Second Verse
Good-bye to Texas University.
So long to the Orange and White.
Good luck to the dear old Texas Aggies,
They are the boys who show
the real old fight.
The eyes of Texas are upon you.
That is the song they sing so well,
So, good-bye to Texas University,
We're goin' to beat you all to --
Rough! Tough!
Real stuff! Texas A&M!
Saw Varsity's Horns Off (normally follows War Hymn)
Saw Varsity's Horns Off!
Saw Varsity's Horns Off!
Saw Varsity's Horns Off!
Varsity's Horns are Sawed Off!
Varsity's Horns are Sawed Off!
Varsity's Horns are Sawed Off!
The Spirit of Aggieland
Some may boast of prowess bold
Of the school they think so grand,
But there's a spirit can ne'er be told
It's the spirit of Aggieland.
We are the Aggies -- the Aggies are we.
True to each other as Aggies can be.
We've got to FIGHT boys,
We've got to FIGHT!
We've got to fight for Maroon and White.
After they' ve boosted all the rest,
They will come and join the best.
For we are the Aggies --
the Aggies so true,
We're from Texas A. M. U.
Second Chorus
T--E--X--A--S, A--G--G--I--E,
Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!
Fight! Maroon!
A--G--G--I--E, Texas!
Texas! A. M. U.
GIG 'EM AGGIES! 1! 2! 3!
Fight -- fight --
Farmers, farmers, fight!
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