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in The Grove and the Circle are extraordinary Ole Miss football
traditions. On game day, thousands of families and friends gather to
embrace each other and their beloved university.
To care for fans and the campus, follow these guidelines:
Observe The Grove�s opening time of 6 a.m. on game day and the 15-minute
time limit in unloading zones. The Grove
closes at midnight.
Only University-sponsored events may be held in �reserved� places. Space
is claimed on a first-come basis.
Occupy only the space you need�be considerate of others. No trailers are
allowed to park on Grove Loop.
Avoid using ropes, ribbons, etc., to reserve space.
Do not drive stakes into the ground. Electric and water lines lie
No solicitation is permitted, including commercial and political
advertising. Posting campaign material to University property is
Keep The Grove clean. Trash bags are available in front of the Triplett
Alumni Center and throughout The Grove.
Generators are strictly prohibited. Noise disturbs tranquility and
creates headaches.
Open flames are strictly prohibited. This includes the use of portable
fireplaces, tiki torches, and grills. Propane bottles are not allowed.
Grills are permitted on the perimeter of The Grove. To avoid safety
hazards, always monitor your grill.
Show patience, courtesy, and respect for all security personnel.
Do not leave valuables unattended. University Police officers are on
patrol, but they cannot be responsible for hundreds of picnic sites.
Observe designated emergency lanes. Tents are allowed in The Grove, but
a safer, more enjoyable environment is created when emergency lanes are
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