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The school has undergone three name changes since the Texas Legislature
awarded El Paso with a four-year institution in 1913 known as the "State
School of Mines and Metallurgy." When the school became part of the
University of Texas system in 1919, the school's name was changed to
"College of Mines and Metallurgy, El Paso." The
name changed to Texas
Western College in 1949 and to its present title, "The University of
Texas at El Paso," in 1967.
We must presume the nickname "Miners" came from the fact that the school
was founded as the "State School of Mines and Metallurgy." In doing
research on this project, early mention of "Ore Diggers" and "Muckers"
for the nickname was found, but nothing to determine if the name
"Miners" was voted upon by the student body, or if a faculty member,
John W. (Cap) Kidd, chose the name. Kidd was a big booster of athletics,
especially football, and in 1915, when funds were rather lean at the
school, Kidd donated $800 to equip the football team. He also assisted
with coaching, although he was not the head coach. The present track
facility on campus bears Cap Kidd's name.
The Miners have had nearly as many mascots for its athletic teams as the
school has had names.
Probably the first so-called mascot was a student dressed as a
prospector leading a burro, named Clyde. Some years after Clyde began
making appearances at football games, then-president Dr. Joseph Ray
became disenchanted with the animal's appearance.
In a letter to the dean of students, Dr. Ray demanded that something be
done about that "sorry-looking, pot-bellied creature, not fit to
represent the Miners." Clyde was surveyed out in 1966 and replaced by
Henry, another burro.
The name Paydirt Pete originated from a 1974 contest to give a name to
the mascot. The name Paydirt Pete was selected from over 500 entries.
The first animated Paydirt Pete was given a face in 1974. It was
recreated in 1980. This was a lovable little ol' Miner which probably
led to his being dubbed "Sweet Pete." At any rate, ol' Sweet Pete was
not a very popular mascot and, like Clyde, he made a quick exit in order
for the present Paydirt Pete to arrive on the scene.
This Paydirt Pete is meaner looking, has a major-league swagger and has
become something of a goodwill ambassador for the school, as well as
appearing at UTEP sporting events. Sometime after Pete made his
appearance, he decided to kick the smoking habit and the cigar, which
jutted to one side of his mouth, was removed. The latest rendition of
Paydirt Pete was introduced in the fall of 1999, along with a brand-new
UTEP athletic department logo.
Traveling Trophies
The winner of the UTEP-New Mexico State football game receives a pair of
traveling trophies -- the Silver Spade and the Brass Spittoon. The first
spade used for this purpose was an old prospector's shovel dug up from
an abandoned mine in the Organ Mountains near Las Cruces in 1947. This
was the symbol of victory, and the spade was given to the winner of the
football game between the Miners and Aggies each year.
The idea of the present Silver Spade was from UTEP student Don
Henderson, the student association president and now a very successful
El Paso businessman and former mayor of the city. In 1955 Henderson
secured the present spade and each year the score of the game is
engraved on the blade.
Perhaps the idea behind the spade is the fact that at the time the
prospector's spade was uncovered, both schools' major field of study had
use for the tool -- mining and metallurgy for the College of Mines and
agriculture at then-New Mexico A&M. The brass spittoon, officially known
as the Mayor's Cup, came into existence in 1982 when the mayors of the
two cities -- Jonathan Rogers, El Paso, and David Steinberg, Las Cruces
-- decided to present another traveling trophy to the winner of the UTEP-New
Mexico State game.
School Colors/Song
Research failed to produce where and why the school selected the colors
orange and white. We do know the student body debated in the early 1920s
as to whether it would continue with these colors after the school
changed its name for the first time. The students voted to keep the
colors and in the early 1980s, blue was added so now the official colors
are orange, white and blue. When the new UTEP athletic department logo
was introduced in the fall of 1999, a darker hue of blue was
incorporated into the logo, as well as a silver accent to go with the
customary orange.
"The Eyes of Texas are Upon You" was adopted by the 1920 student body
when the song had been "declared the school anthem for the University of
Texas (Austin)."
UTEP's fight song, "Miners Fight" was also an offshoot from the Austin
campus. However, in the late 1980s and with Marty Robbins' blessing, the
UTEP Music Department rewrote the song with the melody "El Paso."
"Miner Fight Song"
Down in the west Texas town of El Paso
Home of the River they call Rio Grande
Down on the border the town of El Paso
Home of the Miners the best in the land
Fighting till end the Miners of UTEP
Long live the College of Mines, the College of Mines
Loyal forever, we're standing together
Onward to victory Orange and Blue, we will be true!
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