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What is a Horned Frog?
The Horned Frog (actually
a lizard) has been TCU's mascot longer than TCU has been the
university's name. Four students helped make the decision in 1897, when
AddRan Christian University (renamed TCU in 1902) was located in Waco.
Here are some other facts about the horned frog, one of the country's
most distinctive mascots:
The scientific name for this Texas reptile is phrynosoma cornutum;
in Greek, phrynos means "a toad" and soma means "body"; in
Latin, cornutus means "horned."
Their primary diet is red harvester ants; they'd like 80 to 100 a day.
Unfortunately, red ants are falling victim to insecticides and to more
aggressive fire ants in much of Texas.
The typical Horned Frog is three to five inches long.
Horned Frogs are cold-blooded animals and have an unusual pineal gland,
resembling a "third eye" on the top of the head, which zoologists
believe is part of their system of thermoregulation.
When angered or frightened, horned frogs can squirt a fine, four-foot
stream of blood from their eyes.
The Horned Frog was named the State Reptile of Texas in 1992.
In stories of Native Americans in the Southwest, horned frogs are
depicted as ancient, powerful and respected. Archaeologists find horned
frogs on petroglyphs, pottery and other crafts painted hundreds of years
before Columbus set sail for America. In some parts of Mexico, folklore
persists that these creatures which weep tears of blood are sacred.
Hail all hail, TCU
Memories Sweet, Comrades True
Light of Faith, Follow Through
Praise to Thee, TCU
Purple, White, Horned Frogs Fight
Victory, Victory, Right, Right, Right
Rah, Rah TCU! Rah, Rah, TCU
Go, Go, Horned Frogs Go
TCU Frogs Fight
We'll raise a song, both loud and long
To cheer our team to victor
For TCU, so tried and true,
We pledge eternal loyalty.
Rah, Rah, TCU!
Fight on boys, fight, with all your might
Roll up the scores for TCU
Hail white and purple flag whose heroes never lag,
Horned Frog, we are all for you!
Rif Ram
Riff, Ram, Bah Zoo
Lickety, Lickety, Zoo, Zoo
Who, Wah, Wah, Who
Give �em hell, TCU
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