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Hurricane In Tulsa?
The origination of The University of Tulsa nickname - Golden
Hurricane - came in 1922. A new football coach, Howard Acher, came to
town and inherited a slew of nicknames dating back to 1895.
Past Tulsa teams were referred to as Kendallites, Presbyterians, Tigers,
Orange and Black, and Tulsans. In the fall of 1922,
the team nickname
was "Yellow Jackets," which was apparently due to the fact that the team
was wearing new black and yellow uniforms instead of the traditional
orange and black.
The team opened the season and it was apparent that Tulsa was going to
have a great year, and trying to seize some publicity for his team,
Acher wanted to find a new nickname quickly.
After a remark was made in practice one day about "roaring through
opponents," and because of their new jersey colors, he thought of Golden
Tornadoes. However, he quickly found out that the name had been taken by
Georgia Tech a few years earlier. From the tornado, he evolved
meteorologically to the hurricane. A few days before the team left for a
game against Texas A&M, Archer asked the squad to vote on the name, and
thus "Golden Hurricane" was born.
Hurricane Fight Song
Down the Field to victory
On Tulsa on.
Fight on University, Battle on and on.
March to the goal line, oh Tulsa,
Score on mounting score.
March to the goal line, oh Tulsa,
Let the Hurricane roar.
Drive those (opponent) back and back,
On Tulsa on!
Gold, Blue, and Red, go right ahead,
Down the field to victory!
Hail To Tulsa (Alma Mater)
Hail to thee Alma Mater,
Gold and Blue,
Praise from thy sons and daughters,
Old and new.
Pride in our hearts,
Our voices let us raise,
Filled with devotion
We will sing thy praise.
Alma Mater, now we honor,
Loyal, always true,
We will lift our voice in chorus.
Hail to Tulsa U!
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