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Always Called The Chippewas
The nickname "Chippewas," while reflecting the rich Indian heritage of
the Mid-Michigan region, has not always been applied to Central Michigan
University athletes. The first semi-official nickname, the "Dragons,"
was tagged in 1925.
As part of the second-ever homecoming celebration, a gigantic bonfire
was built by the students. The students scoured the
community for old
wooden boxes and scraps of lumber to convert into a pyramid, which, when
ignited would light up the field for the pep rally. A student concoction
that looked like a dragon would wind its way through the crowd and
circle the bonfire with red lights and smoke shooting from its gaping
The name Dragons hung on for a while and was used in write-ups of the
football games during the 1926 season. It apparently lacked appeal among
the students, though.
In 1927 a drive began to adopt a new and more official name for the
athletic teams that could be used in write-ups and cheers.
"Wildcats" was the first choice with the reason being that the name
should "be a brave fighting animal that once roamed the woods of
Michigan." This name was proposed to start the ball rolling.
After more thinking Harry Gover then submitted the name "Bearcats" with
the explanation that "it has all the fighting qualities of wildcats and
more because no one ever saw a bearcat."
Thus, the student paper Central LIFE decided it would use the name
Bearcat as an experiment when writing stories of the various athletic
contests the school then held.
The name stuck for 14 years until 1941.
That's when a drive by Central's line coach, Lawrence Sweeney, began.
Sweeney took his idea to the student council in November of 1941 and
investigations began.
Sweeney pointed out that while it meant breaking with a considerable
tradition built up by use of the name Bearcats, the nickname of "Chippewas"
offered still much more. He argued that the name Bearcat meant
absolutely nothing in the way of geographical location and besides, the
animal was practically extinct. Coach Sweeney stated, "The name offers
nothing in the way of background for showmanship or pageantry, and most
students have never seen or heard of a real bearcat."
The name Chippewa was geographically correct, Coach Sweeney said,
pointing out that the Chippewa Indian tribes were once scattered about
this particular area, and he argued further:
"It is the name of our college yearbook, the Chippewa River flows
through Mount Pleasant and the name Chippewa opens up unlimited
opportunities for pageantry and showmanship for the band as well as
athletic teams. The Indian chief would be an outstanding marker for
athletic uniforms, the Indian pow-wow could replace the pep-meeting and
Indian ceremonies could be conducted on many occasions. School flags
could be made much more attractive and finally all types of Indian lore
have a strong appeal and could be used to great advantage."
After preliminary examination others voiced their support for the new
name. President Charles Anspach, assistant professor of mathematics
Judson W. Foust and Women's League President Esther Anderson all made
statements of support in LIFE.
The campus paper itself was one of the first to back it. Other
testimonials came from coaches, campus groups and the administrative
For its ultimate test, the issue was put to an all-campus vote on Jan.
16, 1942. The name Chippewa was adopted, 351-90, but the campus paper
saw it fit to remark that less than half of the students voted.
The new name went into use almost immediately and has continued on
despite the changing of Central's name.
Central opened its doors in 1892 as Central Michigan Normal and Business
Institute. Central Michigan Normal School was initiated in 1896 along
with the first football team and the unofficial nickname "Normalites"
for all the students.
The school offered its first four-year degree program in 1919.
Subsequent name changes include Central State Teachers College (1927),
Central Michigan College of Education (1941), Central Michigan College
(1955) and the present Central Michigan University (1959).
Serious consideration was given to dropping the nickname Chippewas after
it was recommended by the Michigan Civil Rights Commission.
On March 1, 1989, an advisory committee to the president recommended
retaining the name under certain conditions. Those conditions included
developing educational programs in conjunction with the local Saginaw
Chippewa Tribal Council, sessions to familiarize CMU students and staff
with traditional Native American culture, dropping the two official CMU
Native American logos (a Native American profile and a spearpoint with a
feather inside a block "C"), eliminating Native American drumbeats by
pep bands and other measures.
The logo underwent a change in 1996 from the block "C" to the moving
action "C" that is presently used.
Central Michigan University Fight Song
Come on and fight! Central, down the field.
Fight for Victory - Fight! Fellows never yield -
We're with you, oh Varsity! Onward with banners bold, to our colors
we'll be true! FIGHT for Maroon & Gold!
Down the field for CMU! VARSITY! Rah, Rah.
VICTORY! Rah, Rah. Chippewas we're proud of our nickname! Hear our song,
loud and strong. CENTRAL is going to win this game!
Hail to the Chippewas
Hail to the Chippewas
Hail to the Chippewa
All hail to the Chippewa
These Valiant men who wear maroon and gold.
We'll fight, fight, fight! Our honor to uphold.
Hail to the Chippewa
All hail to the Chippewa
We salute you warriors - brave and true.
Win or lose, we're PROUD of you.
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