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Hail to thee, our Alma Mater
May thy name be told
Where above thy gleaming splendor,
Waves the green and gold.
Thou our guide in quest for knowledge
Where we all are free,
University of South Florida,
Alma Mater, Hail to thee!
Be our guide to truth and wisdom,
As we onward go.
May thy glory, fame, and honor
Never cease to grow.
May our thoughts and prayers be with thee
Through eternity
University of South Florida,
Alma Mater Hail to thee!
USF Fight Song
USF Bulls are we,
We hold our standard upright and free.
For Green and Gold we stand united.
Our beacon lighted and noble to see.
USF Bulls are we,
For USF will always be.
With all our might we fight the battle
here and now, and we will win the
(shout!) S-O-U-T-H F-L-O-R-I-D-A
South Florida, South Florida
Go Bulls!
USF Bulls are we,
We hold our standard upright and free.
For Green and Gold we stand united.
Our beacon lighted and noble to see.
USF Bulls are we,
For USF will always be.
With all our might we fight the battle
here and now, and we will win the victory�

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