Wisconsin Badgers

Wisconsin Badgers Football History

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Bucky Badger

Badgers in various forms have been recognized as the school mascot for decades. The version currently known as Bucky, sporting a cardinal and white letter sweater, was first drawn in 1940 by artist Art Evans. At that time, the badger went by names like Benny, Buddy, Bernie, Bobby and Bouncey. Art Lentz, the department's publicity director, had the idea to bring the mascot to life.

The original badger mascot was too vicious to control. On more than one occasion, the live badger escaped handlers before a Wisconsin football historysideline hero recaptured the animal with a flying tackle. It was decided in the interest of fan and player safety that Wisconsin's mascot be retired to the Madison Zoo. The Badger Yearbook replaced the live badger with a small raccoon named Regdab (badger backwards) and passed it off as a "badger in a racoon coat."

In 1949, a student in the university's art department, Connie Conrad, was commissioned to mold a paper-mache badger head. Gymnast and cheerleader, Bill Sagal, of Plymouth, Wis., was directed by homecoming chair Bill Sachse, to wear the outfit at the homecoming game. A contest was staged to name the popular mascot. The winner was Buckingham U. Badger, or Bucky. The name apparently came from the lyrics in a song which encouraged the football team to "buck right through that line."

Bucky Badger has persevered through the years, even surviving a threat by then assistant attorney general, Howard Koop, in 1973. He suggested that Bucky be replaced by Henrietta Holstein, a loveable and productive cow. Koop argued that "kids love cows. A generation could grow up supporting the university and Henrietta Holstein." Koop's effort to overthrow Bucky failed.

Bucky even survived a cameo appearance by Sports Illustrated writer Rick Telander. In preparation for a book about the athletic department, Telander wore Bucky's costume at a '91 volleyball game. Telander overcame "terminal claustrophobia" in his appearance as Bucky.


On Wisconsin, On Wisconsin
Plunge right through that line,
Run the ball clear down the field, boys
Touchdown sure this time
On Wisconsin, On Wisconsin
Fight on for her fame,
Fight, Fellows, Fight, Fight, Fight
We'll win this game!


Var-sity! Var-sity!
U-rah-rah! Wisconsin!
Praise to thee we sing
Praise to thee our Alma Mater
U-rah-rah, Wisconsin!
(Fanfare of trumpets, followed by:)
Our Team is RED HOT!
(two drum beats and repeat until hoarse)

"If You Want to be a Badger"

If you want to be a Badger, just come along with me,
By the light, by the light, by the light of the moon.
If you want to be a Badger, just come along with me,
By the bright shining light of the moon.
By the light of the moon, by the light of the moon,
By the bright shining light, by the light of the moon.
If you want to be a Badger, just come along with me,
By the bright shining light of the moon.

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