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Boston School Colors
Like so many athletic traditions at Boston College, the adoption of the
school colors started with the students. In the mid-1880's, BC
were passionate for their teams, but had no way of visually proclaiming
where their loyalties lay.
As a story in The Heights on those early years noted, "A college man
going to the games had no striped tie to wear. Nor was there any armband
of any significant color that might let the wide world know that the
`fair' rooters, screeching so loudly at anything at all, were followers
of the Boston College team."
A committee of students, led by the school-spirited T.J. Hurley (class
of 1885 and composer of "Alma Mater" and "For Boston"), was appointed to
determine which hue would best represent BC. After considering the
colors of rival Jesuit institutions - Holy Cross's purple, Fordham's
maroon, Georgetown's blue and gray - the committee selected two Papal
colors: maroon and gold. The student body unanimously approved.
The first use of the Boston College colors was in a banner sewn by women
attending the New England Conservatory of Music, which was located near
BC at that time - on James Street in the South End. The banner flew at
every college event until its sudden and mysterious disappearance. But
the Maroon and Gold continues as the rallying symbol for Boston College
rooters everywhere.
Fight Song: "For Boston"
For Boston, for Boston,
We sing our proud refrain!
For Boston, for Boston,
'Tis Wisdom's earthly fane.
For here all are one
And their hearts are true,
And the towers on the Heights
Reach to Heav'ns own blue.
For Boston, for Boston,
Till the echoes ring again!
For Boston, for Boston,
Thy glory is our own!
For Boston, for Boston,
'Tis here that Truth is known.
And ever with the Right
Shall thy heirs be found,
Till time shall be no more
And thy work is crown'd.
For Boston, for Boston,
For Thee and Thine alone.
Boston College Alma Mater
Hail! Alma Mater! Thy praise we sing.
Fondly thy mem'ries round our heart still cling.
Guide of our youth, thro' thee we shall prevail!
Hail! Alma Mater! Hail! All Hail!
Hail! Alma Mater! Lo, on the height,
Proudly thy tow'rs are raised for the Right
God is thy Master, His law thy sole avail!
Hail! Alma Mater! Hail! All Hail!
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